【影片名称】:避孕套飞了 El Condor Pasa 2013
【特 征 码】:6b51000c02604d04fd909133cafc29ab8896aaab
【下载软件】:Bitcomet 、迅雷
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A human drama concerned to temptation and introspection. A Catholic priest gets involved the death of a low-teenaged girl he has cherished like a family member and thus leads himself into the physical and spiritual ordeals. Those who are familiar with the director’s previous pieces might be much embarrassed at a series of dramatic reversals. Director Jeon has shown a tendency to mainly focus on inner description of the characters but in this film, he pays deep attention to storytelling as well.
Cho Jae-hyun and Bae Jung-hwa act glaring sex scenes which differentiate themselves from the conventions.